About Me



Welcome to my world, where the serenity of meditation and yoga meets the wanderlust of travel. As a passionate meditation and yoga teacher and seasoned travel guide, I am on a mission to inspire others to find peace and harmony within themselves while exploring the beauty of the world around us.

Through the ancient practices of meditation and yoga, I work to guide individuals on a journey of self-discovery, helping them to cultivate presence, balance, and inner strength. Alongside these transformative practices, I offer my expertise as a travel guide, curating immersive experiences that blend an understanding of a community's culture with spiritual exploration.

Whether you're seeking to deepen your practice on the mat or embark on a transformative journey across distant lands, I am here to support and empower you every step of the way. Join me as we embark on a holistic adventure of the body, mind, and soul.

Growing up in Kashmir

My journey into yoga therapy began in the serene region of Kashmir, India, where I was fortunate to grow up surrounded by the teachings of yoga and meditation. Living there for the first fifteen years of my life, I absorbed the transformative power of these ancient practices firsthand, thanks to my parents' dedication to studying under the guidance of Swami Lakshmanjoo, a revered philosopher and Kashmir Shaivite Saint.

Upon returning to the US, I brought with me a deep understanding and appreciation for yoga's potential for healing. Focused on yoga therapy, I continued my studies, drawing from my upbringing and experiences to guide others on their path to holistic wellness and self-discovery.

A few photos from India

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My Approach

In my practice, I prioritize treating each person holistically, addressing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. I utilize a blend of yoga techniques, mindfulness practices, breath-work, and meditation to empower clients to tap into their inner strength and resilience.

I'm certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) and offer personalized sessions tailored to individual needs, drawing on my expertise and dedication. I'm a member of the USC Yoga and the Healing Sciences teacher training faculty and teach chair yoga and gentle yoga. And, I integrate iRest, a form of Yoga Nidra, to promote deep relaxation and release tension.

My goal is to make yoga accessible to everyone, regardless of ability or requirement. I draw inspiration from my 15-year study in Kashmir, India, under Swami Lakshmanjoo, exploring Kashmir Shaivism's profound teachings on consciousness and self-discovery.


I enhance my approach by integrating iRest, a transformative practice based on Kashmir Shaivism. Through guided meditation and body awareness, iRest fosters deep relaxation and relieves tension. This helps clients tap into their inner strength, fostering well-being and resilience. By weaving iRest into my therapy, I equip clients with valuable tools for facing life's challenges more calmly.

Classes / Yoga Therapy

"The rays of yoga are like the rays of the sun. Whatever the sun touches, it brings life to, energizes, refreshes and enlivens. If a person incorporates yoga into their life, then they receive these life-giving benefits on all levels just like the rays of the sun. Yoga gives you peace of mind, personal fulfillment (the person feels better about his or herself); physical condition is greatly benefited, bringing more joy and happiness and inner peace."

–Denise Hughes, Lakshmanjoo Academy

Summary of Teaching Experience in Meditation and Yoga

Since 2005, I have been dedicated to teaching meditation and yoga, sharing my
expertise across various
institutions and demographics in Los Angeles. My journey includes:

Wilson High School in East Los Angeles

Taught meditation and yoga to high school students, working daily with a diverse group including special education students, those involved in gang risk intervention programs, and Advanced Placement (AP) students.

Loyola Marymount University

Served as an undergraduate professor of meditation
and yoga for 10 years, educating students on the principles and practices of these

Culver City Adult School

Conducted meditation and yoga classes, focusing on adult
learners seeking to enhance their well-being and mindfulness.

Culver City Senior Center

Provided tailored yoga and meditation sessions for seniors,
promoting health, relaxation, and improved quality of life.

Private Yoga Therapy Clients

Provided personalized yoga therapy to a wide range of
individuals, including athletes, seniors, teenagers, and people suffering from anxiety,
stress, panic attacks, chronic pain, and other physical ailments.

Santa Monica Yoga

Taught diverse groups, fostering a community centered on the
benefits of yoga and meditation.

Various Other Establishments

Engaged with multiple organizations across Los
Angeles, bringing mindfulness and physical well-being to a wide audience.

My experience spans diverse settings, from educational institutions to private practice,
catering to a broad spectrum of individuals with unique needs and goals.

A few memories from past journeys

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